The simple definition of the "Race Card" is a list of horse racing or horse racing at the event (1). So, what horse racing has to do with the definition of racism? Absolutely nothing? However, this same concept has become adopted into mainstream society, where "refers to an allegation raised against a person who is the plaintiff feels needlessly brought the issue of race or racism into the discussion, a scenario or situation in order to obfuscate the matter" (1 ). Perhaps, the term "race card" is more than appropriate when you consider the race and race-baiting that many individuals play as a trump card to achieve their own selfish agenda. Now, it is true that some individuals, regardless of their race, you choose this method as a mainstream strategy to push the agenda.

is interesting how racism has grown into a great hell of a monster lurking around every nook and corner. However, no one wants to deal with racism, but we all skirt around it, all vehemently deny the racist and accusing others of racial prejudice or racism practiced. That is why it became so easy to play the race card. A few individuals feel the need to do an honest introspection and ask God to help them as individuals cope with the elements of racial prejudice, they have May. In today's world, all you need to do is to simply present a "non-racist" outside a business as usual in the background or behind closed doors.

If you can not find a solution to racism, perhaps we can manipulate others to achieve our agenda. Therefore, the appeal to racial prejudices and biases of individuals, either to achieve their individual or collective agenda of priority, we pour the issue of racism to "divide and conquer". We turn to the right questions and to introduce the subject of racism. We let people off the hook after crying "racism" or support bona fide racist just because they are the same race as me. It is difficult logical approach for any society to effectively deal with the problem as monstrous as racism. Perhaps, racism is a problem too large for us to deal with, and playing the race card much easier.

Every practicing Christian believer, or any decent person for that matter, should not seek to be part of any racist or shareware programs, and decide not to perpetuate racism in any form or manner. As a Christian believer, the Bible provides God's words and commandments in our daily lives. And the Bible says about the Holy racism? Over the years, many individuals have tried to manipulate God's Holy Word in order to justify their acts of injustice, malice, oppression and repression. Some accuse God falsely labeling one race inferior and superior to other races. In more ways than one, many individuals are in fact called a racist God, or at least indicated to him that God shows favoritism to one race over drugom.Dobra news is that there is an individual and a collective of people can never really change the truth of God's Word Svetoga.Brzi look at a few letters in simplified words, clearly shows the world God's stand on race or ethnicity issues:

"You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise, "Galatians 3:26-29 (NIV) (2 ).

"Peter began to speak". Now I realize the truth that God shows no partiality, but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right, "Acts 10:34 (NIV).

"Never take advantage of the poor and the poverty of workers, whether they are fellow Israelites or foreigners who live in cities. You have to pay them their wages daily before sunset, because they are poor and are counting on it. If you don 't, they can cry to the LORD against you, and that would be counted as a sin against you "Deuteronomy 24:14-15 (NLT) (3 ).

"True justice must be given to foreigners who live among you, and orphans, and should never accept the widow of clothing as security for her debt. Always remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the LORD thy God redeemed from slavery. that's why I gave you this command, "Deuteronomy 24:17-18 (NLT ).

The Bible clearly says that God loves justice and fairness and abhors injustice, oppression, malice, or any form of evil. Also, God is not "biased" person (Romans 2:11). It simply means that God does not respect one person, while mankind regardless of others' humanity. Therefore, it is impossible that God will either forgive or advocate racial prejudice or discrimination based on racial prejudice or any other reason.

The Bible clearly says that God loves justice and fairness and abhors injustice, oppression, malice, or any form of evil. Also, God is not "biased" person (Romans 2:11). It simply means that God does not respect one person, while mankind regardless of others' humanity. Therefore, it is impossible that God will either forgive or advocate racial prejudice or discrimination based on racial prejudice or any other reason.


References: (1) The definition of race card from (2) offer letter marked (NIV) are taken from Holy Scripture, New International Version ®. NIV ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. It is used to permit Zondervan. All rights reserved. (3) The Scriptures offer marked (NLT) are taken from Sacred Scripture, new living translation, copyright © 1996. Used for permission Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189th All rights reserved.