The Game of Life is Composed of Two Levels and Four Elements

There are two levels of all games: 1) infinite and 2) final igrati.Beskonačni consists of the lines are still in the game, while the final consists of games related to the acquisition of awards and titles. All games are within these two categories, the only difference between the two kinds of play that final game can cease to exist after a while.

"spirit" of man is infinite Player separated from all games. But as soon as he agrees that the rules of the game in the game, like the final game of life, he loses a lot of his true nature and power of the Infinite Being to play igre.Pretpostavka body in the physical universe is a sign of all those who agreed to play the game of life . Infinite Player can not die, but the body belongs to the Infinite, the player can die. In the context of the game of life, loss of body is the same order of magnitude to the loss of the ring, dollars, or some other sentimental possession.

ALL Infinite Player consciously or unconsciously.

the truth of life and the universe (ie, existence) is that we all Forever Players who played Infinite igre.Igra life, however, the final game that requires us to lose some of our power as being the Infinite range of points. This place is what we know as the feeling of "I", which stands for identity.

For the purposes of playing all of these ideas are a series of conveniently-forgotten fact.

Life is a game!

life assessment in accordance with the principles of game we want nothing to explain life in general. In fact, the reason for the existence of the same reasons as the one playing the game of interest, competition, activity and possession.

, but that is determined by four elements in the game of life and they have freedom, barriers, needs and power of choice (Hubbard ).

the totality of the barrier, and totality of freedom just as meaningless. And believe it or not there is freedom of the prepreke.Obećanje unlimited and unrestricted freedom of obstacles and traps leading to dissatisfaction. Obstacles consisting of inhibition of ideas, space, energy, mass and time. Freedom would be simply the absence of barriers for these things. The key to making the game situation is known as the obstacles to freedom, so that it can not be life, lives, the possibility of happiness, and of course the game.

Freedom consists of knowledge limits the game. Slavery is made of living without known limits, as a result of the fear of insecurity in all its actions. So, the man who is willing to accept the limitations and obstacles and is not afraid of them free of charge (Hubbard). Furthermore, people are constantly making efforts to be removed from the game soon discover that they are poor. On the other hand, those individuals who are interested in getting into games, discover how easy it is to become happy.

In any game purposes soon start a war with one another. This makes the game more belligerent purposes. In addition, the warring purposes to define the problems in life that is two or more purposes of contrast. For example, one team wants to reach its goal, and the other team also intends to reach the goal, unless they want to do first.

It is true that the player has to agree to play before they can participate. However, if someone remembers or has forgotten when he chose to play does not negate the original decision 'be' and 'play'. Nothing can happen to you without your consent, so what happened to you, to be blunt, is his own doing. I know you might be thinking right now. "This is a hard dose of responsibility must take" but I assure you that it is closer to the truth than what you are trying to convince you that you have no control over the conditions in which you find yourself.

Forever players in the game finally is often confused as they can easily be affected by others in situations that are simply part of the game of life.