Learning That Sticks! The Real Way to Study, Learn and Remember What You Learn!

In the past 19 years I have traveled the United States continues to memory training for students of all ages in an effort to develop their true potential learning abilities. I have found that there are two types of students in a wide range of learning ability in relation to the learning potential. For this article I will call them the START and STOP students by students. I should say S.T.A.R.T. and S.T.O.P. students. Let me explain what I mean by that. There are few people in this world that has the self motivation, drive, desire to excel. You know someone that can relate to everything they do whether it be activities that include work, or just plain fun.

I have yet to meet a student who does not fit in one of these categories, except for the unfortunate souls, constrained by the mental structures and capacities. Even many of those who have excelled in their given situacijama.Studenti'll describe those who are putting their mind to it, may be more, have more, and to more than just using the tools available to them the same tools that I describe to you in this article. So when I say S.T.A.R.T. students think, "students who are really trying" START student. When I say S.T.O.P. students I am referring to: "Students often procrastinate," to stop the real students.

Well let me explain the difference START student student who always tries to do his best. Do you know a student who goes the extra mile to make their best form at all on dodir.Učenici in meeting the challenges they are always looking for ways to improve their grades and it's working when they found it. Students explore ways to make learning stick, and then do what is necessary. They sometimes spend countless hours studying the material to know the best you can and plan for surprises. They are students who know their limits when it comes to learning new materijala.Dječak, girl, man or woman student who is looking for new strategies to make their efforts count, and then use these same strategies.

Now let me explain my next student-STOP. STOP students are always looking for a shortcut, or the easiest way to get by, not necessarily by the skin of the teeth, but it at least a passing grade. This student has a tendency to procrastinate and barely time for their academic efforts. They may be students who could do more, be more and more, but they choose for whatever reason, to do less, have less and less. Procrastination is a terrible time waster, which brings many failures, or less than desirable results.

To the student who continues to learn throughout their journey of life requires in order to set some simple things to make sure that their efforts are always rewarded. This is what I call a winning edge when it comes to making learning stick. Some simple tools that successful people use to make life more rewarding when it comes to learning will be wrapped in this article, and tools that are easy to achieve that everybody wants to be the start of students.

the first thing students need is the will to achieve. I.Q. or intelligent quotient is a number that measures the results of a test of your intelligence. Itiveness Stick to move the START student has an internal and approaches to learning in the way of a positive attitude. Start students to see problems as opportunities and ways to learn a new way to meet your goals. The objectives will play a major role in this article and be something you'll have to use in all areas of your journey. When learning a positive approach will only result in positive results, if you have a positive attitude. I firmly believe that your attitude not your ability to determine your cliché. I call it the winning edge, or advantage of the winners.

I will spell out the components you use and give you a brief explanation of what they can and see how their steps to become a START student for the rest of your life if you so choose.


1-to learn the game. 2-Plan your studies and your plan. 3-set goals. 4-Track Results 5-Make adjustments 6-Review of results for further improvements.

Each component has specific steps and I'll cover a few of each to give you an idea of ​​how Making Learning Stick will work to help you START and STOP student learners.

to make a learning game for more than you can imagine, because the brain can learn through the construction of memory which is a novel, not just plain like subjekt.Plastičnost May occur as the brain allows us the ability to learn for our entire lives, not only in our wounds thought to be learning at school age. It was thought that our age related cognitive decline in the wrong place, unfortunately, so learning on the back burner when they reached the status of older osoba.Citat of Dostoevsky's "who mans the second half of his life was spent working habits learned in the first half," was played in a long time. (To paraphrase a quote) I must tell you that I feel more learned in the first nine years of my other half do not feel I have learned in the first 50 even though I know that is not true that it feels that way. This is because I learned how the mind actually learns and remembers.

This is why I say that learning a game that is fun! It will last a lifetime!

The second component is very important. Plan your studies and your plan is something I've noticed over the past 19 years of teaching as mnemonics training in industrial psychology and business climate than any of the other components. I had a good friend who was valedictorian of my class and I always wished that I could not as smart as he was. See the little I know I had the intelligence just did not have the know-how. You see most of the students I meet who are students STOP limited restrictions in their own mind and I had a passion for the potential for change they can. I always thought that Peter Principle was a mistake.

The planning process is one of the most lack of success in all components. I'm not saying that spontaneity or run without the end in mind is not working, what I am saying is that your study plans and study your plan is more predictable. When you are in control of adjustments and priorities. Systems analysis is a result of these actions. This one component is to bring the most important part of the study, which is setting goals.

the goal of planning is important for achieving the results you want, you can still achieve results, but those that come as a result of goal planning to have a different set of properties. The objective of planning allows prioritization and priority adjustment. Goals are not only at the end of steps to achieve, the steps are the most important learning processes we walk s. Sometimes it is necessary to understand that the ultimate success of a particular point. I'll tell you the best goal of the planning includes the following key points: Is it feasible convincingly Is it measurable and can set limits. The conclusion is simple ABMD way.

component that involves tracking your results includes an overview of the results looking for potential adjustments, modifications or total alleviation. Learning comes from a change in your mind in looking at or within the encoded data in your umu.Način that we learned is that data and hopefully with the right construction or reconstruction of existing knowledge in the form of new data, resulting in learning. Making the learning that keeps it totally depends on the way to build, reconstruct, or prescribe a new memory trace. This is really where you learn the game comes into play. Excuse the pun. I have folded the following components in this item by accident, but I approach it now.

Making adjustments will come in two forms one being the construction of new knowledge or reconstruction of existing knowledge, or both. Memory traces in the form of understand now two brain cells or neurons firing together form the electrical and chemical reaction is called an action potential, or synapses. I take this biological concept of integrative just to let you know that learning is now understood to new levels. It used to be thought that the memory structure in our minds, but now understand that memory is not structure, but the process pulled together many of the structure of our brain called the hippocampus.

I recently attended a symposium at the center of the brain Brain Health in Dallas, where the father of cognitive science Michael Gazzaniga of the University of California Santa Barber got Charles Branch first prize in Dallas that day. After Dr. Gazzaniga accepted the award made ​​a presentation about the brain and the law that explains why he is called Father of Cognitive Science and principal investigator of Split brain studies. Current studies of brain plasticity and its functions will bring further understanding of why lifelong learning is the foundation for new learning methods.

This brings me to the final part of the inspection results for future poboljšanja.Pregled final results will show you the right roads to your accomplishments and allow you to find out where adjustments or changes to future learning will be required. We learn every day how our minds learn and still have a lot to learn naučiti.Prečaci because of new research and our ability to improve our teaching methods will give us the ability to create more student START and STOP fewer students.

We have developed a successful student in the system tends to make the student the necessary tools to enhance learning and get better results for time invested in learning. We continue to develop as a tool through experiential training and ensure that you use methods that create learning that sticks. Research on how memories are created are conducted in universities such as UT and UH demonstrates that proteins such as protein kinase C (PKC) and transforming growth factor in the formation of B (TFG-B) were instrumental in the learning process. MTI continues to make such investigations and explanations on how we can better learn to develop through our experiential learning styles.

We have developed principles for Power notes, setting goals, managing projects, developing winning attitude, successful study skills and test taking techniques to enable students to strive to do more, more and more for the rest of their lives learning. These skills with these components will help you to START students in the future.

-known researcher of memory is best when he explains, "The memory is not re exercitation of innumerable fixed lifeless fragmentary pieces, but an imaginative reconstruction or construction built from the relationships our attitude towards a whole active mass of organized past reactions of experience. And a bit remarkable detail, what usually appears in the picture, or a language so rarely actually true, even in most cases rudimentary memory recapitulation, and it does not matter that it should be so ."

Students have the ability to be the best they can with the right tools for studying and learning. Mnemonics play an important part of that process. Developing our brains to be the best it can be a goal that we all must strive.

Our brain is the only body encased in a hard Boney case to protect it from traumatic exposure. This fact has been thrust to the head of my understanding when watching a meaningless sport cage fighting and trying to understand how this can be allowed, let alone fun observer, the so-called sport.

so that students will protect and feed your brain and it will always be the best back up for you in all your life, short of God's grace.