Pre-Game Routine Preparation For Peak Performance in Sports

After a certain routine before a game or competition is very important in trying to achieve peak performance in sports. By having routine until game time, the athlete is able to minimize any unforeseen circumstances that could affect his psyche to play, but also allow him to have excellent preparation for the game. To be effective routine, it must be designed as a checklist, it should be personalized to an athlete in the team's preparations, and in the end it should be memorized as much as possible. Here is a sample routine check list with some description of the content for each item that could be helpful for athletes.

1 Equipment Check Mainly it to ensure that all necessary equipment checked and readied. Make sure nothing is missing. This should be done twice. Once before going to bed, and two, before you leave home to play. In an earlier article, I have already explained about the equipment preparation. Please go to my site below and read more about the equipment check.

2 Mental images mental practice match preparation is the key to peak performance in sports. Although the rostered on activities of 2, truly, mental imagery practice should be done as often as possible for the body and mind to internalize all of the skills sequences vital for peak performance in sports. As a guide, mental practice their sports skills while going to sleep. Do this again when they travel to the match. Finally, find time during the game day only to retire in solitude and mental exercise for peak performance in sports again.

3 Talk to your teammates This can be done when you get to the games or at school. To gather with their friends from the team and start talking about the big game coming. Share your preparation on the previous day, to share their fears and anxieties, to talk about technical and tactical aspects of the game, and talk about their opponents, and so on. All these basically allow athletes to loosen up and allow athletes to feel more at ease during the game approaches.

4 Check on these feelings while talking with teammates, and will also be finding out how the team works on game day. Does anyone emotionally unstable for some reason? Is the dispute over the game plan and strategy? Does the team feel confident or afraid? These feelings can affect your game at top performance in the sport tremendously. Imagine that you know that your captain is a wreck because of some interruption with a girl that happened the night before. How confident do you have in your captain in this case? Certainly his game play will be affected.

5 Rest and diet forget to factor in time for rest and diet. This is to ensure that the body is moved to the optimum level in terms of energy levels for the big game. Avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy before the game, other than heating, and so on. Before the game, taking the right amount and right kind of food is also important. This is to ensure that athletes do not screw up the body systems must be in its prime for producing the greatest amount of energy to play.

6 Team Pep Talk It often does a coach, and should be factored into your personalized routine for peak performance in sports. Do aware of this, you will sub-consciously shape your mind to lead this important activity before the game. You can even predict what the coach said, or what is your captain will say that raising the motivation and morale of the team before the game.

7 Gear for the game preparing for the game should be routine. You'll find upon closer study, some players actually go through the same procedure when adjusting for the game. Regardless, it's a personal thing and should be practiced as much as possible, if it makes the athlete comfortable to play.

8 Self-positive reinforcement after the physical aspect of game preparation is more or less finished by this stage, it is absolutely important to focus on mental preparation opet.Um mind is infinitely more powerful than the physical body. What the mind can foresee the body can do. Very often, it is our mind that limits our ability and our body will just follow his naredbe.Nekoliko minutes until game time should be spent on mental rehearsal and positive in relation to strengthening the skills and tactics required by the athlete. Reaffirming that a self-used phrases such as' I am good at scoring goals, "" I am the fastest person in the race ',' I am the best goalie in the league, "and so will produce very positive emotions and morale, which leads to high performance in the sport later. of course, this kind of mental training success will only come with practice. Athletes should be encouraged to use these techniques as often as possible.

9 Final Game Photo Plan along with a positive self-talk and reinforcement, it is also suitable for athletes go through in your mind as often as possible in the game plan that was decided on. This image provides a game plan for athletes clarity regarding what is their role in relation to the overall scheme of things. By making very clear how to make a mental game plan under different circumstances, the reflex of thought and action, players are stimulated, producing near immediate positive action, when a player is faced with a specific tactical situation. The immediate reaction is often stored in a second mini-games, we know that the key to getting the upper hand over your opponents.

10 Team Cheer When all is said done, nothing completes the pre-game preparation more than last year, an aggressive, tight cheer that will arouse the emotions necessary to play the game at an optimal level. They lived in gathering the cries of people with a common goal. He set down the stage for everything that everyone is important and that each will go out of their way to fight each other, so the success of the team and peak performance in sports is achieved. So go on, have a good, solid final cheer before game time.

These ten points on the background check is critical to fine-tune for peak performance in sports. Very often, when the athletes and coaches have done everything they could in terms of training preparations, the difference between winning and losing is in the details of preparation before the game. It's no secret -. The winner is the one who prepares the best