Is Grunge Returning in Times of Crisis?

What people do not realize that the so-called Seattle grunge scene grew out of several gourmet dinner clubs close - we will only pick up guitars to pass the time while our dishes were simmering, baking, boiling, etc.. - Kurt Cobain, musician

Several sources throughout the state of the fashion world, that 2009 will again see the return of grunge and retro style. After seeing the 80-retro trend downward as it seems that we will experience another way of revival, this time from the 90s:. Grunge style

As we can see the Alexander Wang collection for autumn / winter 2008 began with ripped tights and stockings laddered. It seems like the first indication of what will come out this season. It's a good old "ripped jeans" are back for a few photos celebs such as Lindsay Lohan and Lily Allen.Prvi indication of this trend, but could be informed in the past few years, the summer of Christopher Kane. Also, tartans are back in the game, as they can be recognized almost everywhere (for skirts, shirts, as part of the tops, etc.). They are also the main ingredient for this return to fashion a stream in the early nineties.

Back in those days a lot of designers tried to copy what is shown primarily as a defiance of styles from the late 80's by artists such as the above-mentioned Kurt Cobain and Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell. Interesting here is that some of the most important designers followed the trend, such as Marc Jacobs. He created the appearance that looked as affordable for everyone, but are high quality and therefore quite expensive.

It is interesting that all these fashion trends occur mainly at the time of trouble. As the mother of all these protest movements - Punk - first seen in late 70-ies in the UK when times were changing and the old rules seem to prevladavanje.Isto goes with grunge in the early 90s (the fundamental revolutionary Nirvana album "Nevermind" in 1991), where in the world again was in severe economic problems. As we face another crisis today and see Grunge style reanimated, we can see that it seems to be more than coincidence. It seems that the vintage styles have always been, when the world will be turned upside down.

So what we see worn by celebs and models in 2009? There are a few things, but mentioned that the views of the authors will have a huge impact on the mass market in 2009

    tartans, mostly in black and red or red-white ripped jeans and socks, but in a very sexy way, somehow this time roughened fabric tank tops big sunglasses tattoo style (such as Ed Hardy) will reach a new peak

So - as a conclusion - a style for this and next season will be less glamourous and more casual as mentioned before. Let us all see where that goes.