Slayer or simply called the elimination of the woodsball kind of game that usually involves two teams competing against each other, but sometimes may involve three or more teams for free to all competitors. Although not really a special game type as Slayer type of games are also available on the speedball.
Slayer playing games like "Last Man Standing" game, as well as the goals of the game is to eliminate opponents as enemies of the team completely removes them. There are other ways to play slayer game with some changes, as there are some perks in which a player is selected or eliminated can join the game on special conditions.
Another type of woodsball games, this game is a team that has to have an enemy in a specific area of defense, and the other team must break through the defense line. The siege game teams are divided evenly, one of the attackers and defenders as well as others. Defenders of the field first and set up a defensive formation around the area that they will protect. The goal of the game is for the attacker to get to the enemy's defenses and get a specific item or rescuing hostages, according to the rules agreed before the game. The game can end if the attackers can eliminate all enemy defense.
Therefore, defending team will win if they successfully defended their territory in a given period of time, which means that this type of game has a time limit. Also the defending team can win if they also eliminate all attackers. Siege game is also called the attack and defense game, where the attackers have a limited amount of time usually around 30 -. 40 minutes to accomplish the goal of the game
as a Slayer game, siege games May have other variations such as a fugitive, a vampire, hostage rescue, hunting trophies, etc.
...Assault woodsball games are very similar to the attack and defense of the paintball game. In these games, the attackers must try to advance and break through the defense to accomplish the goal type. The objectives of the game can vary depending on what is agreed by both teams, some goals include a simple touch or flag to indicate the object inside the case.