Blur - A Powerful Racing Game From Activision

Mjesto je podijeljen između 14 različitih gradova SAD, Velika Britanija, Japan i Brazil koji im omogućuje da istražite različite turističke lokacije. No, u isto vrijeme kako bi dobili izgled i dojam igre različite staze će biti glavna atrakcija. Razne power-ups može biti složen do 5 brojeva i može se koristiti u isto vrijeme za brzi utrke.


Evo power-ups nedavno otkrila: šok, ubacivanje, štit, Bolt i više. Korištenjem Upad, možete nokautirati protivnika daleko od staze. Da bi zaštitili automobil od ostalih napada, možete stvoriti štit.Će istražiti je s puno drugih tajni power-ups da se objavi.

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Blur is a racing game that is getting ready to give a realistic race car experience on real locations and real damage modeling. Unlike other games that depend on the power-ups, Blur entirely dependent on the physical model and the ability of players.


The ability of players to buy cars and other special powers can be achieved by the new grading system based on skills Racing, the number of fans and much more. You can upgrade your car from the money that is donated by supporters and move to the next level natjecanja.Utrke happens in the fictional town associated with the popular networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Players are currently on the network to organize among themselves, many street races that will take igru.Multiplayer game supports 20 different races with up to 4 players.
