Bass Fishing Pro - A Review of the Popular Fishing Game

Otkrili smo da je trik u ovoj igri je dobivanje kuka neposredno ispred ribe kako bi ulov. Zvuči kao pravi ribolovni zar ne? Premjestiti tvoj brod preko jezera i držite strelicu prema dolje da biste dobili vaše kuka kod riba. Nakon što je riba uzima mamac, ribar će se automatski namotati bas u. Učinite to dovoljno puta prije sat runs vanjska strana i čine ga na sljedeću razinu. Možemo se samo igrao dovoljno dugo da bi se kroz 3 razine, ali najbolji dio je nakon što dovršite svaku rundu, možete posjetiti ugovaranju shop, gdje možete kupiti više goriva, nadogradnju ribolov štapove i brodskih motora. Nažalost, cijena je modernizacija radi u tisućama, tako da ćete biti bas ribolov za neko vrijeme prije nego što možete priuštiti te raskoši.

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Welcome to the first in our series of reviews online fishing game. We will look at several free fishing game you can play online, so you'll know which game to play and which games to avoid. We recently had the opportunity to try an online game, Fishing Bass Fishing Pro.Prva thing we noticed about this game is that it loads very quickly. Many of the other fishing games that we played not load nearly as fast, so it's off to a good start in our knjizi.Glavni goal of the game is to catch the required number of bass within a specified time frame. You will receive money for each fish you catch, and it will be shown at the top of the screen. After each round, you will also receive cash bonuses for the remaining time. Catching these fish is harder than it sounds, mind you, because you need to make sure that you do not run out of fuel, and fish are not that easy to catch
