Amnesia: The Dark Descent Game Review

Your name is Daniel. As you slowly regain consciousness, you discover a note addressed to you, written by none other than themselves. After looking at it, you discover that you are deliberately wiped his memory and that you find in the Inner Sanctum inside the castle to seize and kill Alexander. Prepare for a long journey ahead, Daniel.


First of all, Daniel was mortally afraid of the dark, and very easily frightened. During the game will be followed by an unforgettable force, which is called the Shadow. Its sole purpose is to keep the ball. One that Daniel previously stolen from the tomb of Alexander the chamber where he promised to give protection from the evil that followed the object kuglu.Samo start with an oil lamp. During the game you must find tinderboxes and oil to remain in constant light, or else Daniel will gradually become mad and start seeing things that are not really there. Generally the lower mind, the harder the game becomes. After the first few rooms and puzzles that deal with keys, find various objects and jump over the shelf, you will encounter a major problem in the castle, the most feared monsters in the game, grunt. As you can not fight back, your only choice is to flee from these creatures. They will kill you with one line and they are faster than you. I think it gives the game more than the fear of him. If you are caught outdoors in the vicinity of one of these monsters, well, you're pijan.Jedini way to avoid getting them for you is that it very quickly into a nearby room and close the door. Did I mention that it can penetrate through the door, as well? Well, they can. As soon as the lock in, find a place to hide quickly. Then you have to risk your sanity by turning off your lantern and waiting in the dark until the creature passes. Tempting as it May be, do not look directly into a monster. Doing so will reduce the level of mental faster terrible monster in search of Daniel seems doomed.


After many rooms and puzzles which will run into what I think is the scariest creatures Kaernk, also called Water participates in the discussion. It has no physical form, you can not see but know is there. You can hear his growls and heavy drops slowly as it follows you wherever you go. Jump on the crates and boxes in your area or participate in the discussion of water will kill you. The only way to create a diversion for this is throwing hunks of meat and body parts can be found at the top of some boxes. If your mind is the level of fine in the game, you'll only find this one creature. If it is low most of the game, expect it to pop out of any room that has knee high water.
