Little Lies Women Tell Themselves in the Game of Dating - Know This Before You Make a Major Mistake

Let me share with you some tips today that not only you will be free from zones of confusion, but will also help people to understand and relate better. Here are some of the lies women tell ...

- Can not be in me just yet, but if I try hard enough you will end up loving me ...

This is one of the major and most common lie is almost every woman herself said at some point in their dating life. So many women stick around and do nice things for a man expecting him to fall for them.

But, the reality is that if he does not like you enough now you can just be wasting your time trying to convince him that you like. You can not buy his love as if it was just impossible.

- It is important to sacrifice their own needs as a man interested in ...

This is another crazy little lie that will completely ruin your chances in the game of dating and relationships. If you change things around in your life and sacrifice some things just to make him happy and interested, then you've already taken the first step toward possible catastrophe.

If you make significant changes in your life then it is a complete reflection of how you really feel about yourself. Some part of you does not feel that the guy likes enough to ensure that it does not leave, you end up doing things you normally would not do.

Never sacrifice your needs to keep them interested. In fact, it will be more interested if you can not ignore their needs.

- My man will eventually change for the better ...

Guess what? He will not. No amount of pushing, or even admitted to convince him to change. If you are a man expecting he eventually changed his habits and his way of life for you then you're already fighting a losing battle.

This is probably the main reason why some women still hold about abuse, alcoholics or lazy people. They have an inner conviction that something magical would happen one day, and their man would transform into a prince from her dreams.

Get this - your man will not change, you have to change. You must either accept him the way he or abandon the hope that will change.