Top 15 Xbox 360 Shooting Games

video game industry is a booming business. 73 percent of households have some sort of gaming system. One of the most popular styles of the game is to shoot the type of game. There are two different types of shooter games, first person and third person pucač.Top 15 Xbox 360 games listed below, contains the style shooter game.

In a first person shooter, you'll see and play the game through the eyes of your character. You do not really see their avatar. I usually only see the gun pointed in front, where your character.

in the third-person shooter, you see through the camera as a field of view. You actually see your complete avatar from head to toe. There are two variations of the third party pucač.Prvi place the camera. This may be the head or over the shoulder of your character. In addition, the mobility of the camera May be different. It can be frozen in place or moving around the avatar.

1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Second Metro 2033 Third Left 4 Dead 2 4th Bioshock 2 5th Half Life 2 6th Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 7th Halo: Reach 8th Homefront 9th F.E.A.R. 3 10th Operation Flashpoint 2 11th IL 2: Sturmovik - Birds of Prey 12th Rock the Dead 13 years. Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2010 14th Sat victory 15 years. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Now that you know the difference in the types of shooting games, and among the 15 best Xbox 360 games, it's time to play!