Learning about fixing Xbox 360 red ring is something I never thought I could do. I was always what I like to call "technically illiterate". I freeze the computer all the time, destroy the phone, and even have problems with sending documents!
This article is about how someone as technologically incompetent as we learned about fixing Xbox 360 red ring.
How did it happen I was playing my favorite game on the Xbox 360, Halo 3, when I got the red ring of death. I thought the cable from the Xbox to the TV came loose somehow.
Well I'm back everything and then tried to console again. However the 3 red lights. I was not sure what is going on.
my call to Microsoft The first thing I did after my panic attack (the system cost $ 300), was a call Microsoft help service. I got some overseas outsourced call center and tried to explain that one happens. I tried to walk through all kinds of steps to solve problems, such as to make sure a game console, make sure that all wires are hooked up, and make sure you have batteries in the controller. All I could think about was not a big technical stuff, but I'm not an idiot. I continued to try to explain that all the wires hooked up right, but the system is constantly flashing 3 red lights at me.
At the end he told me he'd ship it to Microsoft for repair. I was wondering how to set me back and he told me it was $ 140.
My alternative ideas
My alternative ideas ... At first I got very depressed. I have only so much money to throw around. I thought I was going to have to ship my Xbox 360 back to Microsoft, to pay a fee plus shipping, and wait weeks to get it back.
...After working on the console clock, taking apart, and the strengthening part of the X-clamp, I ran my fingers and turned on the console. I was shocked when it worked. More shocked that it is technically illiterate can fix your Xbox 360 console.
Before you ship your console off to Microsoft, I'd advise you to look at some of the alternative methods of fixing red ring of death on Xbox 360.