Before the 1962 tennis industry is considered an amateur sport, in - in 1962 began the number of tennis players to become professionals and play tennis exhibition in front of an audience that paid money to watch games. Also, the most prestigious Grand Slam tournaments are tournaments for amateur players only and become a professional player may not participate in tournaments.
...In 1968 trade rumors because of pressure from amateur tennis players get the money for their participation in the Grand Slam tournaments, made the decision to institutionalize the idea of allowing open competition for all professional and amateur players to participate in the prestigious tournament. After verification of the idea contest is open for television began to play tennis, which soon became popular all over the world. New Age will be a world-class tennis players to make a decent living from playing tennis by participating in large turnirima.Igra racquet frame made of steel (pre-prepared wooden box) with a network cable nylon tendons to pound the ball. The rubber ball is made of flexible coated fabric called "Knapp" or "exit", the diameter of the ball is about 5 cm and the color is bright yellow. No time limit for. is a place on a flat area of grass, clay, asphalt or rubber bounded by lines painted on the ground and form a rectangle. The length is 23.77 meters, width varies: Individual game 8.23 m, and pairs of 10.97 meters per game. Network across the field at a height of 91.4 cm, made of thin cloth hanging ropes on both sides of the court pages. When the game was held areas in the field pairs, add field to field to expand the area igre.Igra can take place indoors or outdoors stadium.