Xbox 360 - Definitely A Different Gaming Console

First, to clarify: Microsoft Xbox 360 is not the same as the Microsoft Xbox console just because they both have different hardware arhitekture.Izvorni Xbox consoles was discontinued in late 2006, just in time for the 360 ​​to a standstill in May 2005.Izvorni Xbox was the first video game console to use an internal hard drive to save game progress and download content from Xbox Live online service available to Xbox gamers where they can download the update patches, and other media content, legacy, and paid to download homebrew games and most importantly, the technology to enable gamers to play with and against each other on the Internet.

This online service is probably one of the most important legacy for the Microsoft console industry: the ability for players to compete online is something that has opened up a whole new constitution in the community console games, and a general reception was very well received. And although the concept was to repeat, it was the Xbox that has set the standard for all gaming consoles to follow.

aurally sensitive may also notice that the Xbox was one of the first to use Dolby Interactive encoding technology, which meshed well with the multimedia capabilities of the Xbox (being able to play DVDs, as well as other popular formats such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV). He also introduced the "breakaway cable" safety feature to prevent the console from being accidentally pulled his controller and demolition come down on the floor.

Even the Xbox 360 itself has undergone several editions, with the current incarnation, called the Microsoft Xbox 360 S, but still be commercially marketed as simply "Microsoft Xbox 360 ".

Xbox 360 marks a significant improvement from the Xbox predecessors, most notably with the exponentially more powerful processors and larger hard disk capacity of each version, but really noticeable changes come from the inclusion of a wireless controller with 2007 pro version and above, and many expect the recent issue Kinect addition to add-on only in late 2010.

Kinect Microsoft is reportedly a response to the Nintendo Wii. Like the Wii, Kinect allows the player to interface with the 360 ​​and games with motion sensitive gestures. Unlike the Wii, Kinect can also speak commands to read and recognize specific objects and images, and the whole Kinect apparently more sensitive to movement than the Wii.