The Game Design and Concept Behind Different Brain Games

but to be honest to mental training aspect is only secondary when playing a brain game. They are really fun and most of the time quite addictive. And the best thing about these games is that they are definitely perfect for challenging your friends and show them how smart you really are. Proving their knowledge better than a high score in your favorite game?

Most of the games you choose the category in which you can compete in various mini games. Categories can be visual, remember, mathematical calculations and logical games. The visual game you have to order or choose the right form to the shape, color or size of objects. Memory games work on the same mechanics as the classic game you probably played as a child - remember where the items are hidden, or sometimes to remember the sequence of objects. Calculation of the games are often disguised with an amazing game design or purpose player can more easily relate to - for example, balancing the scale. Logic games revolve around filling in the right pattern, selecting the game in the state of objects or solve small puzzles. Many games also offer a word related games, like crossword or scrabble like game.

a little less seriously than those in other networks, but still similar to effective mental training of social brain games on Facebook as mentioned before. Games on social networks like Facebook can use this platform in a perfect manner, as compared to the console or iPhone games in general have a challenge with your friends further comparison of his "brain size ".

competition with your friends or sometimes even in a tournament with other unknown players is the ideal way to connect to the game and its players to build zadržavanje.Istraživanje among online gamers showed that challenge with your friends is the greatest incentive to drive players back into games. Popular examples for Facebook to show that certain mind games could have a very committed group of people over a period of several years. Fans of the new strategy game work together to improve their performance and build communities with their own tournaments and world rankings.

, but the downside of social brain games is that their retention rate of players is low, which means that many new subscribers to leave after a short period. While you have the above supporters of the brain game that will play the game for a long time and still enjoy it, you can easily testify to the statistics web page as that most users will leave the games in a short time.

can not be identified by two different reasons: the first is that the percentage of customers scared away at the beginning of the game design brain games. For most people this kind of game mechanics is not attractive or do not want to dive deeper into the gameplay and learn the fun part about it.

The second reason is that they usually consist of a variety of mini igre.Većina who enjoys playing these mini-games, but they May be boring after a while. Other games offer an endless expandable or games (Farmville), or the ability for players to improve their skills in one type of game mechanics (Bejeweled). For a brain game, a player needs to master different types of mini games so that they can focus on one game mechanic.

in the fight against falling customer there are several actions that can be taken. Well-known games such as Tetris or Zuma Battle Blitz showed that weekly challenge model is an effective way to get loyal players. Do the results back a week, players will receive a new impetus to re-play the same game over and over again to rank the first among your friends. Brain games can also use these methods on Facebook. Furthermore, many games now have a world order or ranking of the countries. If this mechanic is carried out properly (Anti-Cheat protection) challenges can be easily organized and will help in the game to its players for a long time.

If you want to know more, check out the list of mind games and expand your mental strength.