The Responsibilities of an Author of Fiction


When you write fiction, so they keep you at? Principles that bind your work into a coherent whole? Need principle at all, or you can write the anarchic tale manages no other law than that it should be exciting to read? If you analyze and agonize, or you just need to let your mind take its course along a path no matter how rough trail can be followed - something like this sentence I write here is not the great genius of the author but persistent? novelist, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration, whose main problem is to get a job at the time that the publisher can accept, that is, an author who can not afford to hear the lovely whooshing sound of the race by the deadline, as Douglas Adams put it.


let's just think of the young adult fiction, which is what I write. Young adult fiction intended to be read by those who, as we have grown as gracious to say, these are "tender age". Let's measure our standards in relation to the only moral code that most of us know, the Ten Commandments. Of course, this is a religious code too. First, we recognize that the Ten Commandments are different from the code of laws, such as Humarrabi code that includes such gems as' If a slave say to his master: "You're not my master," if you convict him his master shall cut off his ear, "the law of 3750 years prije.Deset commandments are a set of encouragement or incentives, of which perhaps only five should be attempted at any time. Let's ignore the clear religious orders, such as "I am the Lord your God who brought you out the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. They have no other gods before me '. Instead, we move to more practical issues.


let's just think of the young adult fiction, which is what I write. Young adult fiction intended to be read by those who, as we have grown as gracious to say, these are "tender age". Let's measure our standards in relation to the only moral code that most of us know, the Ten Commandments. Of course, this is a religious code too. First, we recognize that the Ten Commandments are different from the code of laws, such as Humarrabi code that includes such gems as' If a slave say to his master: "You're not my master," if you convict him his master shall cut off his ear, "the law of 3750 years prije.Deset commandments are a set of encouragement or incentives, of which perhaps only five should be attempted at any time. Let's ignore the clear religious orders, such as "I am the Lord your God who brought you out the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. They have no other gods before me '. Instead, we move to more practical issues.


What is' Do not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord who will justify the abuse of his name? Ok, this suggests that when the mean and evil in the story of a father returns home to find that his son, in pure self-defense, the 1000 V put a fence around the house, he must I say 'may the Almighty to condemn you to hell. "With the other hand, could violate this commandment without shouting naughty four letter word, perhaps it is more likely that even less rational response. right you are, then, is not blasphemous swearing and keep it at least in novels for young adults people -. If you follow the Ten Commandments


What is' Do not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord who will justify the abuse of his name? Ok, this suggests that when the mean and evil in the story of a father returns home to find that his son, in pure self-defense, the 1000 V put a fence around the house, he must I say 'may the Almighty to condemn you to hell. "With the other hand, could violate this commandment without shouting naughty four letter word, perhaps it is more likely that even less rational response. right you are, then, is not blasphemous swearing and keep it at least in novels for young adults people -. If you follow the Ten Commandments


Honour thy father and thy mother. And this is an interesting one. There is no doubt that it was an absolute hero must be nice to your mother, and perhaps his father - but certainly his mother and her honor. "You leave my mother out of this, or I'll punch a hole fuller than a sieve 'is an immortal line of Hollywood. In each case the hero has to honor his mother so long as it is not a monster. I mean, haggis Macbeth, the only son of Lady Macbeth probably could not distance himself from his mother without attracting too much disapproval. (Again, this statement raises the question of truth: Lady Macbeth is truly a monster that Shakespeare it to be?). the heroine is probably less than absolute requirements for the honor of his mother, especially if the mother Clytemnestra. Maybe the heroine is more the need to honor his father in order to properly and successfully heroin. so the verdict on this command is to be followed with impunity, although it would be boring if you are in the extreme.


Thou shalt not kill. Now this is a real bastard, as the saying goes. Maybe I forget now, but if you add a few words' except ......'. Of course, the Catholic Church has had some explaining to do when they encourage people to black pudding from the blood of Protestants, or they do not take their learning seriously and they recognize the word 'except'. Protestants themselves, when they do not provide the ingredients of black pudding, were huge flames Halloween. But why is the worse choice of the death of a witch? Since the impetus in the Bible that the people of the Church should not shed blood. If someone is burned, not literally spill their blood, are you? So went the argument. Within his novels, such thinking would be to reject it as leverage or as a writer making a bad attempt at wit. So, what we can reasonably conclude from this? Regardless of the commandment against killing, his villains can strangle, shoot and murder, but certainly not your heroes (or even 'Goodies'). Or maybe the hero could kill, but I feel remorse, or the opposition can die a hero or heroine's hand in self-defense or defense of another? Therefore, we must admit the word 'except'. Without him, merely to 'criminalize' written and people will have to devote to reading a decent novel instead. That would be a shame.


Thou shalt not kill. Now this is a real bastard, as the saying goes. Maybe I forget now, but if you add a few words' except ......'. Of course, the Catholic Church has had some explaining to do when they encourage people to black pudding from the blood of Protestants, or they do not take their learning seriously and they recognize the word 'except'. Protestants themselves, when they do not provide the ingredients of black pudding, were huge flames Halloween. But why is the worse choice of the death of a witch? Since the impetus in the Bible that the people of the Church should not shed blood. If someone is burned, not literally spill their blood, are you? So went the argument. Within his novels, such thinking would be to reject it as leverage or as a writer making a bad attempt at wit. So, what we can reasonably conclude from this? Regardless of the commandment against killing, his villains can strangle, shoot and murder, but certainly not your heroes (or even 'Goodies'). Or maybe the hero could kill, but I feel remorse, or the opposition can die a hero or heroine's hand in self-defense or defense of another? Therefore, we must admit the word 'except'. Without him, merely to 'criminalize' written and people will have to devote to reading a decent novel instead. That would be a shame.


Now we come to 'Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor. "It's funny, is not it, that is half-hearted English-language Bible was revised. This command does not intend to suggest that it is okay to circulate embarrassing stories about the family down the street - but not the old man next door. Actually, this command against the slander of others seems to be a rule that deletes almost all of journalism. Rita Skeeter in Harry Potter is a fine example of what I mean. I think that winning libel could make a great story-line, until ultimately, in book 3, is exposed as a slanderer immoral monster (or a financial analyst or similar).


to crown all these incentives, we at the end with "You shall not covet your neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, or male or female slave, or ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." The idea that his neighbor wife can be grouped with their ox and ass (or a Chevrolet Corvette) is interesting and may provoke comment, but let it pass. In any case, the Ten Commandments contain human nature to try and keep the company on track - and that is never more evident than here, in this last command. Exciting young novels are often about what is pushing the company to track, through the human nature out of control. So I feel absolutely no need to try to keep this one in my youth novel. King David was a hero in the Bible, and he can not hold it. He fancied his neighbor's wife, when he saw her in a bikini in the pool, and you can read the Bible for the rest. Today, of course, it will turn out to be a child prodigy lawyer and he would get his butt sued off for so glancing at her.
