The Laws of Infidelity

Has there ever been a case of infidelity in which nobody was hurt? It is possible but very unlikely.

So how come there are so many cases of adultery takes place? Well, people are very capable of being selfish, especially in relationships, the relationships are usually based on mutual needs and desires, and are rarely based in pure love.

And if anyone doubts, then look no further than the percentage rate commit adultery:. Male infidelity to 60% and females at 40% and growing Clearly, the relationships that are based solely on the romanticism is not enough to sustain their desire for something else when their needs are not met. in adultery, one partner will be hurt badly, and mature adults are very aware of it. But when the time comes, iuvjeti are ripe, they simply do not care. Off they go into a little whirlwind dance of selfishness.

and one of the strange fact of life that very few of us would rebuke such acts. In fact, there are cases in which friends of the adulterer will collude and almost encourages such acts. It all seems like fair game. But is it? Is it fair that someone should be so deluded that they should be treated so shoddily and disrespectfully? How many other areas of life such behavior is accepted? Most decent people will not tolerate racism, or sexism, or any other 'ism' you care to mention. However, psychological violence is infidelity, it seems to be tolerated with alarming passivity.

Why is this Why is it that people with otherwise decent morality will suddenly turn a blind eye to an affair Maybe because it was adopted:? This is acceptable behavior to be passive in such cases. ;.? In many countries, adultery is a crime why this is so because many of our world leaders are themselves involved in such activity

Of course, you do not send the best message to its citizens, because the text of this omission as the law is that we tolerate infidelity. And this is a giant leap of imagination that once tolerated slavery in much the same way. Yes, this is an extreme example, but it all boils down to people being treated without respect. And it seems that nowadays we are quite willing to accept this aspect of disrespect and violence.

What is needed for this position, this passive attitude to change? Will there come a time when so much is going to come to the alarming statistics. So much emphasis is placed on the sanctity of marriage and family, and yet at the same time it is horrible hypocrisy in parallel. Will it change? Time will tell.