Blog For Profit on the Internet - Your Game Plan (Part 1)

Even before the game devising a plan to create a profitable blog, you'll need to buy a computer, assuming you have not already done so. If you do not have a computer and a desire to be one, but I feel a little apprehensive about buying one, then I suggest you check out the articles in computer and technology section I am sure will find great articles to help you in your quest to find his first computer, which could be a desktop or laptop computer. Sorry, just my opinion, but I do not think Netbooks practical for use primarily for your online business - it just lacks firepower. I ... Sorry, not Apple / Mac guy, so I will not be the kind of product recommendations. It's not because I do not like their products, it is because I was PC / Windows guy for a long time. But in Apple / Mac defense, I've heard good things about computers, especially as the stable and robust. Drop me a line if you have any questions about buying their first computer.

Ok ... on with The Game Plan ...

that you need a game plan. Without a plan, you will struggle and lack of focus you need to focus on your online business. I guess you've heard this quote before, right? "If you do not plan, you plan to fail." There is no consensus about who is first, and some say Benjamin Franklin, while others say Winston Churchill. However, probably the first time, tells a very wise man. And so, this is advice that should be listened to.

Having a game plan serves as a foundation for building a successful online business.

So you ask, "How to develop a plan?" Glad you asked. Here are the steps:

Look at the big picture . To truly see where you want to go with your online business, you need to think about what you want to accomplish, say in a year. Say, for example, that you decided to make $ 24,000 the first year. Now that you have set the ultimate goal, it is time to drill down and ask yourself: "What do I do this every month in order to achieve its annual goal?" (ie, the $ 2,000 / month): "What do I do this every week in order to achieve a monthly goal?" (ie making $ 500/week), and finally, "What do I do every day to achieve my weekly goals?" (eg, what about 71/day ).

The process of drilling down your goal is to help you plan your game more manageable, is not it? And, moreover, it provides you with a clearer vision of how to formulate your plan.

Now that you've set up your short-and long-term goals, let us look at the next step.

Select the market (niche) that you want to target , find one with a lot of rumors and where many people spend their hard earned money. If you have some familiarity with that niche, then great, you have a head start. If not, no worries. This istraživanje.Internet tool at their disposal. Use Google to the fullest. Google has a bunch of tips and search of alternative methods of inquiry - check out GoogleGuide. You can see what topics and products are rumors on the Internet using Google Trends, TrendWatching, Technorati, Gizmodo and the eBay Pulse, a search for popular blogs on Google BlogSearch, best-selling books and popular Rising products listed on Amazon and other sites such as Clickbank, and OfferVault. And there are a lot more tools out there to help your niche research.

There are two steps involved in the process of developing a game plan for your online business. In the next article, I will discuss the third and last step, "select marketing strategies that will be used to target a niche," and "Select earning strategies," and end up on the theme "Your Game Plan".

to your success and freedom,