Black People Past And Present

Over the years there have been many great black leaders making news. This fact has caused me to ask if there was one dominant trait that separates them from others. With that question in mind I decided to find a dominant trait that is present in some of the best Black Americas News Makers of the past and present, and then I put those traits in check so that people can see if they possess the same qualities News Maker.Test is the, but still first go read the article.

Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as the "Moses of her people." Over 10 years, and at great personal risk, led thousands of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad, that secret network of safe houses where runaway slaves could stay on their journey north to freedom. The dominant feature of its leadership should be an organization. Close your eyes and imagine for a minute live my whole life and never taking the foot off the plantation owner. Do you really think you would be able to get from Virginia to Canada, if Harriet Tubman was not created to spend much time planning and organizing tours.

The following are William Loyd Garison and I know most of you are saying that the man is black, but even Bill Clinton who like Garrison has done so much for Black people that many refer to him as the first black president. Garrison is a really good friend to Harriet Tubman Naw I know you are thinking that it was not as if they were both just friends in combat. For more than three decades since the first edition of his weekly newspaper The Liberator in 1831, just after the Civil War in 1865 when the last issue came out, Garrison spoke out eloquently and passionately against slavery and for the rights of America's black population. In 1832 he helped organize the New England anti-slavery society, and the following year, the American anti-slavery society. These were the first organization dedicated to promoting the immediate emancipation of slaves. Governors Dominating leadership trait is courage.

Ok now lets go to the Frederick Douglas, who probably had only one page, or maybe just a paragraph devoted to him in the 8th grade history class. Well, Frederick Douglas, who is under the supervision of the aforementioned William Lloyd Garrison was born into slavery in the 1817th Frederick was a firm believer in equality of all people, whether black, female, Indian, or recent immigrants. Sounds kind of like Dr. King hunh? He is also a great increase in British money to start his fight against slavery newspaper North Star. Douglas wanted full citizenship, including social, civil and political rights for black people. Douglass spoke with President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 on the treatment of black soldiers, and with President Andrew Johnson on the subject of black suffrage. Despite the fear that information could endanger his freedom and his life. Douglass published his autobiography, the story of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, I wrote after Douglass published the first issue of North Star, four-page weekly newspaper, the Rochester, New York. Fred is a dominant leadership traits Honesty imean writing life American slave Frederick Douglas could have got him lynched because he talks about his escape, but even with that fact in the back of his mind he decided to tell the truth honestly.

Let's go to Booker T Washington was born into slavery in 1856 on the Burroughs tobacco farm. Ok now a little drama between Booker T and the Frederick Douglas species such as those between Malcolm and Martin and Al Sharton and Barack or Pac and Biggie Naw just joking about the package and Biggie, but the drama is that, even though both wanted the same thing Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights to white and it is best to focus on improving their economic capacity and improving the quality of their karaktera.Teret rests squarely on the shoulders of black men and women. In this way, he believed that blacks would eventually earn the respect and love for the white man, and civil and political rights will be calculated as a matter of course. W. EB Dubois and Frederick Douglas believes that the government should give blacks their equal rights, and now I kasnije.Pogled on Booker T later popularized by Black Muslims, Black Panthers, who I can talk about, because if they do not play video. Booker T Washington is dominated by line speeds, which means you can deal with people in a way that will maintain good relations and avoid problems. He showed this tact by telling blacks that do not have to depend on white people for your success. What this did not fail to inspire blacks and whites with a hook so that it speaks to mention is owed to blacks because they are willing and able to make them yourself.

comes on stage are Marcus Garvey, who, after reading the Booker T Washington decided to start from the bondage of Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA) movement, which urged blacks to be proud of their race and return to their homeland, Africa ancestors. He has attracted thousands of supporters in order to facilitate the return to Africa which it stands. In 1919, Garvey founded the Black Star Line to provide transport to Africa, but after a few voyages the ship sank because of shady business practices. Garvey tried unsuccessfully to convince the government of Liberia in West Africa for the allocation of land on which blacks in America could be solved. So next time someone tells you to go back to Africa just to say that we tried, but the Government of Liberia would not let us go inside the black news makers life ended tragically after suffering a stroke in January 1940, the Black nationalist read his obituary in Chicago attorney, who described him as "broke, alone and unpopular". It appears as a result, Garvey suffered a second stroke and death notices umro.Prerano so turned out to be self-fulfilling prophecy. Garvey has been dominating the leadership qualities was a vision. Garvey's vision for a new nation for American blacks in Africa, even though only a few took the opportunity to travel to this vision in life was a great success.

Rev Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the first black leaders to really understand that the government was not in the mouth or turf, but the dollar by March 1, organized a bus that was a strike and the last of which was the sanitary unions because of changes by taking money from the hands of the oppressor. Many of today's modern day unions have the same approach. King organized the march on Washington for jobs and freedom, which is a large political rally that was held in Washington, DC 28th August 1963rd Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech advocating racial harmony in the Lincoln Memorial in March. About 250,000 people participated in the March, an estimated 200 000 were African-Americans, and 50,000 were white. Dr. prevailing Kings leadership qualities was that justice is defined as the practice of fair and consistent.

the civil rights movement not only benefit blacks bus is also used women and other minorities. Many white people lost their jobs and their lively hood is not unlike the abolitionist 1800th So my message to all the black youth who are watching or reading it is that you should never put all the white people in the box, many suffered and died for the rights enjoyed today, so just take time to know all the people not only rely on what mom and or the media have to say. And my message to the white youth ever placed in a black box, I know if you see police officers, listening to jayz and go to a Lakers game you think we all know how to do is shoot jumpers slap hoes and kill other blacks, but what may not know is that you take the lift the center, it was invented by Alexander mills black person. The first open-heart surgery was performed by a black Dr. Daniel Hale Williams and Dr. Charles Drew invented the blood banks, and are established all over the world. I know you all drove or will drive somewhere in the next few days, well in 1940 Garret A. Morgan invented the automatic traffic signal. Look out yea go ahead you will see that the grass out there that need to be cut and that would not be possible with John Burr invented the lawn mower. So next time you hear or see 50cent cops think on mower an open heart the traffic lights.

Malcolm X who, after going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, shared his thoughts and beliefs with different cultures, and found the answer to be overwhelmingly positive. When he returned, Malcolm said he had met "blonde hair, blued eyes people can call my brothers." He returned to the United States with a new outlook on integration and new hope for the future. This time when Malcolm spoke, and not just preach to African-Americans, a message for all races, after which he was killed. Malcolm XS dominant feature is the leader of the ship that the teamwork that was evident in his wish to unite with all races for social change.

Thurgood Marshall, born 2 July 1908 in Baltimore, her list of his legal accomplishments 1954 - Wins Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, landmark case that breaks down the legal basis for segregation in America


1956 - Victory Browder v. Gayle, ended the practice of segregation on buses, ending a boycott of the Montgomery Bus


1961 - defending human rights demonstrators, winning Supreme Court victory in Garner v. Louisiana, was nominated for a second round of the Appeals Court President JF Kennedy. 1967 - became the first African American elevated to U.S. Supreme Court (1967-1991). This man did not talk about it when he came out and did it. Thurgood Marshall is the dominant feature of leadership skills in order to argue a case before the Supreme Court, you must have extensive knowledge of law


Jesse Louis Jackson, Senior (born October 8, 1941) is a civil rights and Baptist minister. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988. In 1983, Jackson traveled to Syria to secure the release of captured American pilot, Navy Lt. Robert Goodman who was being held by the Syrian government. Goodman was shot down over Lebanon while on a mission to bomb Syrian positions in that country. After a dramatic personal appeal that Jackson made ​​to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, Goodman was released. At first, Reagan administration was skeptical about Jackson's trip to Syria. However, after Jackson secured the release of Goodman, United States President Ronald Reagan was greeted by Jackson and Goodman to the White House on January 4, 1984 [6]. This helped to boost Jackson's popularity as an American patriot and served as a springboard for his presidential runoff 1984th In June 1984, Jackson negotiated the release of twenty-two Americans held in Cuba after the call is Cuban President Fidel Castro. Jessie Jackson to dominate the leadership qualities of empathy, which can put yourself in the shoes of another person. I really think he cares about the poor, he tries to help.